NINA at Work -

NINA makes her entrance at Salvage

We are working hard to introduce the NINA philosophy at SMIT Salvage. All employees will receive NINA training consistent with the nature and activities of the organization.

Working on Unanimity

In the spring of 2015 I wrote my first blog about DolWin 2, where we are transporting a transformer platform and installing it in the German Bight.

Leaving safer than when you arrived

I have been working in the UK since 2010, mainly in short-term maintenance work. That means you're always working with other people, often with Boskalis ships, but also with third parties. The preparation for a piece of work goes well: we agree on the risks and what to watch out for.

Improving safety in Qatar a story of change

“Since the NINA training sessions we have more safety related ideas coming from our employees. In fact, before NINA we never received this kind of input.”

Sharing knowledge at the SHE-Q meeting

What about an app* to report unsafe situations? This is already happening at Boskalis Netherlands. These are the kinds of innovations that are shared at the semi-annual 'Open the Books' meeting, where European SHE-Q Managers meet and talk about the latest developments. Finland was the host in June.

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