NINA at Work -

Hit where it hurts

Everything was running smoothly with the West of Duddon Sands wind power project, but things still went wrong. We completed all the method statements, did all the risk assessments, conducted all the training programs.

My NINA commitment 'I take responsibility for action by action

The management of Anglo Eastern have attended several NINA management training sessions. Fleet Director Anand Sharma shares his experiences.

10 Fingers or 9½?

Anne Jan: "A Filipino deckhand (32) got his hand caught when coupling a floating pipeline. Soon after I got a call: if part of his little finger was amputated, the man could get back to work immediately. I responded by asking: 'Can't the finger be saved?'

Stress-free H2S

Just after the Strandway hopper dredger was deployed on the Caland Canal project in Rotterdam, a smell of rotten eggs pervaded the area. What now?

We are no longer slaves to routine

We are no longer slaves to routine; people are paying closer attention. Over the coming months, NINA will be rolled out everywhere in the Salvage organization. What is the effect of this in practice? Chris Bos, Salvage Master on the Baltic Ace Project, explains.

NINA makes her entrance at Salvage

We are working hard to introduce the NINA philosophy at SMIT Salvage. All employees will receive NINA training consistent with the nature and activities of the organization.

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