Alwin van den Bosch, Tender & Proposal, Manager Area West
How can we ensure our colleagues can work safely in an unsafe region? In our area we are facing for instance drug related crime in Mexico and criminality in the northern ports of Peru (Talara and Paita).

This asks for a special preparation. Often we team up with organizations such as ‘Control Risk’, to assess the local risks for our fleet and people working ashore and identify mitigating measures needed. To give some examples: on the project in Talara we put extra locks on the doors of the Coronaut, installed extra lights and hired a watch boat to scare off possible intruders.

For high risk areas such as Lazaro Cardenas in Mexico a security protocol is written, containing general behavioral guidelines, an overview of unsafe regions and recommended routes for the transport of personnel to and from the site. Keeping a low profile also helps: our office in Tuxpan, Mexico, doesn’t have any flags or
recognizable symbols.

Finally it is important to inform everyone at all times, so all employees know where they stand and can take into account that requirements here are more strict than elsewhere. That is why ‘security’ is an important subject in each kick-off meeting and induction. It is our experience that being open about this subject does not instigate fear. On the contrary, it gives people the feeling the risk is being taken seriously and that they can work safely.

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