"Personally, I like to involve others and actively invite people to speak up."

Samuel Hoganas, Local Supervisor - Marine Facilities, was born and raised in Pangasinan, in northwestern Philippines. Since the fourth quarter of 2022, Samuel has been part of the MIA project as Local Supervisor - Marine Facilities. "A good friend of mine was already working on this project and told me to apply to Boskalis as well."

Speaking the same language

"My job requires me to oversee the civil work performed by our local subcontractor at the maritime workshop. Two types of work are common in this regard: lifting and cutting." The team on the project site consists entirely of local people. "I like to work with the locals. I can easily communicate with and listen to them because we speak the same language. Communication is key when it comes to safety."
Samuel explains to the local people that they can talk to anyone about safety and that job title or nationality are not an issue. "From my position as Supervisor I had to show them. Personally, I like to involve others and actively invite people to speak up."
Talking about safety based on a program like NINA is new to Samuel. "I was really amazed with the scope of the NINA program. The Values and Rules help me perform the activities, making the program much easier and more approachable. I appreciate them a lot. I promptly address unsafe operations and, if needed, stop the work. An example is when I observed a rebar cutting machine being used without third-party inspection or clearance from the BPI Electrical Engineer for Portable Equipment Testing (PET). I immediately halted the work, addressed the unsafe situation within the team and requested proper check and certification by authorized personnel."

YES scan helps
Hand injuries, like a scratch on the hand or some small wounds, were a common safety issue during the project. Workbox Hands sessions were therefore organized for all employees involved. Samuel says the workers have since become more confident in carrying out the work. "They now know how to work safely with their hands and are more aware of the risks. Performing the YES scan helps them do just that. It is very simple and can be explained and understood by anyone. This is the best tool. I would recommend it to anyone!"

Safety during hand-over
The team of Supervisors rotates on an eight-weeks on and two-weeks off basis. Before anyone goes on leave, the Supervisors consult each other. "We discuss the work that needs to be done or continued and any safety issues. We need to continue to work on our goal, meaning that safety is our project’s main priority. I'm very, very proud of the team. Everyone contributes to working safely!"

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