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NINA at Work newsletters

Below an overview of NINA at Work newsletters with stories and examples from the everyday experience of Boskalis.

NINA at Work newsletters

Number 1 / 2022

Safety E-learning boring? You might be pleasantly surprised!

NINA is for everyone on our projects. To support that point of view the NINA E-learning is available for both employees and (sub)-contractors as well. Christian Rathkamp, DOCM at Boskalis Hirdes in Hamburg, recently finished it and shares his experiences. “I found it very good, because you did not have to worry about good or wrong answers. You could focus completely on the message.”

Number 3 / 2021

What is the real added value of a NINA Workbox?

When CLV Spirit had to wait for the installation of a platform at the Hornsea2 project, Captain Glenn Raes and OCM Arjan Ottink proposed to use this idle time for safety sessions. SHE-Q Advisor Ricardo Guedes came up with the idea to facilitate NINA Workboxes for both marine and project crew.

Number 2 / 2021

NINA greetings from Port la Nouvelle & the rotation toolbox in the spotlight

Number 1 / 2021

How can we maintain the focus on safety and keep the conversation going?

The COVID-19 virus has affected the life and work of everyone on the planet. What does this mean for NINA? In this NINA at Work, we look at how current restrictions have led to opportunities, because under these circumstances in particular, it’s important to keep the conversation going.