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“I am constantly looking around me at work. That is what I am trying to get across to the young guys.”

With his 40 years of service, Chris Bos (Salvage Master) can rightfully be called an old hand. Having started out as an apprentice diver, he has now been working as a Salvage Master for many years. After completing his civil engineering studies, colleague Syward van Wijnbergen joined the company as a trainee and has been working as a Salvage Officer for the past two and a half years.

Chris Bos

“So I guess I can tell you a thing or two about it”, he says with a smile. With this, Syward gets to the heart of the matter, because salvage work is something you will not learn from a book. You learn it by doing it. “You will only have real practical added value for the company after a couple of years", says Chris. He worked in a supernumerary capacity on his first trips for SMIT, so he could take his time to learn the ropes. Now everyone is fully involved from the start. The course of the learning process will be different as a result, according to Chris. “On the one hand, you were allowed to do more things yourselves and you just had to be careful not to get your fingers trapped between the wires when they were being pulled. But on the other hand: if something had to be done that was considered dangerous by the seniors, you were absolutely not allowed to come anywhere near it. ‘You just stay there and watch', they used to say. It's different now: trainees are put to work straight away. This means more work for the seniors: they need to keep a closer watch on the trainees and make sure they are in the right place. You need eyes in the back of your head. I can feel that responsibility.”

“Keep calm and set out the lines. That is what I want to learn.”

Syward worked with Chris for the first time on the Golden Ray project in the United States. “Chris will always stay calm, whatever happens. I want to learn that, too. I think that is the most important quality for a Salvage Master, because you set out the lines and it won't do anybody any good if you panic.” When asked if this is something you can learn, Chris answers: “Of course, you should have some of this calmness by nature, but it also comes from experience. I rely on the basics: first, I’ll always make sure nothing can happen to my people, in my view all the rest is steel that can be replaced. This always comes first.” Chris doesn't have to think long about what he would like to learn from Syward: “His computer skills!”

Syward Van Wijnbergen

In their approach to safety, the old and the young guard are not all that different, according to Chris and Syward. For both, it is all about ‘getting home safely’. “Our motto is ‘I take care of you; you take care of me’. It's my second nature; I am constantly looking around me when I'm working. That is also what I'm trying to instill in the young guard: pay attention to this and that, look out for each other. If we are working under bad conditions, I will assign someone to watch the tug's line and to warn when it is necessary. If I assign this task to him, I should be able to rely on him to do so. If not, he will be told to leave. Because then you will be a danger to the rest of the crew.” “That is how it really goes”, says Syward. “In situations like that, there can be no discussion. But in any other situation, you are really encouraged to ask questions. I can always give suggestions, and these are listened to.”

Looking back, the biggest change to Chris is that they used to have a beer at 11 am. “That was normal, in the whole shipping world. Now, that’s a serious no go.” When asked what should be preserved, his answer is: the culture. “Sitting down together to talk through the day: what went well and what could we do better.” Syward nods affirmatively. “This informal transfer of knowledge is priceless.” That culture is threatened because of the smartphone, thinks Chris: “What you see now is that the men disappear to their huts after dinner to email, text or google. You don't have to be there every night as far as I'm concerned, but you are really missing something if you don’t. And I do confront them about it.” Syward is not that concerned: “I think that people who retire to their huts every day won't last long with us. That is not why you do the work.


TSHD Oranje

Safety at sea: Safety Observer initiative aboard the Oranje

To elevate safety aboard the Oranje, Captain Marco de Bruin has implemented a new initiative by introducing the role of Safety Observer. The goal is to embed a deep sense of safety consciousness within the crew's daily operations. Each month, a different crew member steps into the role and actively contributes to the vessel's safety culture. To encourage continuous learning and sharing knowledge, Marco explains the purpose and aims of his initiative, while crew members Joel Yuzon, Rocell Cadampog and Gilbert Rojas share their first-hand experiences.

Safety Leadership Expedition Summit Dredging Vessel Teams

"A good captain or a good safety leader, or can I be both at the same time?"

“Let me introduce myself. I am Bouke Putter, working for Boskalis since 1997, of which the last 15 years in the role of Captain on the hoppers. In 2023, I started as participant in the NINA Safety Leadership Expedition which I completed on 14 December by doing my end presentation at the Summit session. Sharing my personal experiences and reflections was valuable for myself and the guests, and I therefore share my experiences in NINA at Work.“

Darius Macliver

"To address culture and safety, the first step is to understand culture."

Jasper Talle

"In order to proceed safely, we repeat the instructions together and reflect on possible risks."

Benedict Arribas

"It takes time and effort to guide people and to implement the NINA culture."

Samuel Hoganas

"Personally, I like to involve others and actively invite people to speak up."

NINA Launch Horizon Geosciences

NINA Launch at Horizon Geosciences

Early February NINA was formally launched at Horizon in the UAE. During a two-day event, management and employees came together to share their views on safety and set common goals It was the next step in NINA's implementation process which started with an inventory regarding the current safety awareness within Horizon and was followed by a Senior Management training based on the analysis of the inventory. This careful approach revealed a lot of similarities between NINA and Horizon’s own values and everyday practices. NINA definitely got a soft landing within Horizon.

NINA In Togo Benin

We do it together! Travailler ensemble!

If Project Manager Frans Thomassen was asked to put one motto on a sign, it would be: ‘We do it together’. At his current project, on the Togo-Benin border, this is called ‘travailler ensemble’. This shows in every detail: from the way the contract was set up to the communication lines with the local community. Report of a project with major challenges.

Chris Bos

“I am constantly looking around me at work. That is what I am trying to get across to the young guys.”

With his 40 years of service, Chris Bos can rightfully be called an old hand. Having started out as an apprentice diver, he has now been working as a Salvage Master for many years.

Robert En Rudy

"We make sure our employees are updated in decisions."

"If you do not share information, they do not feel part of the group/the collective. Their involvement has a positive effect on the whole project. As leaders we should be the initiators in this respect." 

Christian Rathkamp

Safety E-learning boring? You might be pleasantly surprised!

NINA is for everyone on our projects. To support that point of view the NINA E-learning is available for both employees and (sub)-contractors as well. Christian Rathkamp, DOCM at Boskalis Hirdes in Hamburg, recently finished it and shares his experiences. “I found it very good, because you did not have to worry about good or wrong answers. You could focus completely on the message.”

Glenn Raes

What is the real added value of a NINA Workbox?

When CLV Spirit had to wait for the installation of a platform at the Hornsea2 project, Captain Glenn Raes and OCM Arjan Ottink proposed to use this idle time for safety sessions. SHE-Q Advisor Ricardo Guedes came up with the idea to facilitate NINA Workboxes for both marine and project crew.

Greetincs Card Port La Nouvelle

NINA greetings from Port la Nouvelle!

SHE-Q Engineer Caroline Kannwischer came up with a brilliantly simple idea to connect people: she designed an old-fashioned postcard to celebrate 10 years NINA.

Mark Whiteley

In the spotlight: the rotation toolbox

How can we make our toolbox meetings more lively? That’s the question David Cuninghame, Project Manager at Subsea Cables, asked himself when working on the Ndeavor. He remembered an Australian initiative: the rotating toolbox. The idea is simple: you appoint a crew member to reflect on their previous shift. He then nominates a colleague to do the same at next day’s toolbox. The toolbox facilitator should still conduct their section of the toolbox to inform and discuss about the activities that are planned for the upcoming shift. The rotating part is foreseen as an add-in at the beginning to allow the group to reflect on their own previous shift.

Arjan Ottink

Bringing subcontractors into the ‘NINA flow'

Arjan Ottink, OCM, and Nick Troost, DOCM, took the new NINA E-learning course from home before starting work on the Triton Knoll wind turbine project. The project ran from June through November 2020, so right in the middle of the COVID-19 crisis. This meant the opportunities for coming together for a NINA session were limited. They found that taking the NINA E-learning course in advance was a good alternative.

Jan Tetteroo

It’s possible to inspire and energize each other online too

In January, Menno van der Ploeg, Director Projects at Boskalis Nederland and Jan Tetteroo, Assistant Foreman, took part in an online NINA Management training course. Its format and degree of interaction came as a positive surprise to both of them.