Safety Statements

Select a letter for a list of Safety Statements / Quotes (classified by surname).

Maurice Oldenbeuving: Relaying the program to our customers in order to reach a higher jointly safety awareness.

M.M. Oldenburger: Bij twijfel vragen, domme vragen bestaan niet. Gebruik je gezond verstand.

Geijtenbeek Olivier: T make sure everybody goes home in the same state as they come to work.

Väätäjä Olli: Pyrin sitoutumaan NINA-projektiin turvallisemman työympäristön ja turvallisempien työtapojen kehittämiseksi ja välittämään tietoa NINAsta eteenpäin työmaille.

Oladapo Omiwade: I am determined to observe all NINA Values and Rules. Also to propagate the gospel according to NINA.

Lobekk Ove: Learn others what I have learned, and learn from others.

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