Patrick Bollen (25), dredging operations
“I liked the NINA training because it starts a discussion. However, what you see in practice is not always how things should be done. Not everyone has the same view. I experienced that several times, for instance with wearing PPE. At first, I never said anything about it to anyone, as it made me feel uncomfortable. In the daily safety meetings all sorts of minor issues are discussed; that is a good thing I think, as they determine everyday practices.”

“In such a meeting I find it easier to express my opinion on safety issues than in a one-to-one situation. What I also find difficult is: how far does your responsibility go? In Central America we were working as a subcontractor on a project. The client’s supervisor used to walk barefoot on the pipeline. I raised the issue with my supervisor, who spoke to the project management about it several times, but nothing actually changed. So what can you do? To what extent are you responsible for your client?”

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