Andries Kelderhuis, Captain of the hopper dredger Gemma:  “Fifteen years ago I got my left hand trapped under a steel plate and I almost lost three fingers as a result. Months later I was able to return to work, but I had to give up the band because I couldn’t play the guitar any more. I told the crew about my accident for the first time during the Workbox session in February. You never forget something like that. I’m telling my story to give an extra boost to the NINA Workbox message to help prevent other people from suffering as I did. So my message is this: ‘Use the YES scan, take that NINA time to get together and make sure everyone is working safely and check your equipment and your working environment. Do that before you start working, but don’t forget to stay alert while on the job and watch out for each other’s safety as well!

I think Workbox is well organized, with video clips that stay in your mind, time to share your own experiences and a tour of your work place to see where improvements can be made. Specific action points were the result. I gave the Workbox session myself at the recent change of crew. You can see that this approach gets through to people better than a notice on the board or a memo from an officer. It’s two-way traffic. I’m looking forward to the next Workbox already!”

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